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This Script is part of the Mimecast Pack.#

Searches all mailboxes to find an email, and returns the list of mailboxes where the email was found. "Yes" will be displayed if the mail was found anywhere or "No" if not.

Script Data#

Script Typepython


This script uses the following commands and scripts.

  • mimecast-query


Argument NameDescription
queryXmlThe query string XML for the search, using Mimecast Unified Search Experience (MUSE). For more on information click here. Using this will override other query arguments.
textThe search for this text in API messages.
dryRunWill not execute the query, but will just return the query string that was built.
dateSearches the specific dates only.
dateFromSearches emails from a specific date. In format 2015-09-21T23:00:00Z.
dateToSearches emails up until a specific date. In format 2015-09-21T23:00:00Z.
sentToThe filter on the messages to a specific address.
sentFromThe filter on the messages from a specific address.
subjectSearches emails by subject. This will override the text argument.
attachmentTypeThe messages with and without attachments. Any messages with any attachment documents can contain, "doc", "dot", "docx", "docm", "dotx", "dotm", "pdf", "rtf", "html" attachments. Spreadsheets can contain, "xls", "xlt", "xlsx", "xlsm", "xltx", "xltm", "xlsb", "xlam", "csv". Presentations can contain, "ppt", "pptx", "pptm", "potx", "potm", "ppam", "ppsx", "ppsm", "sldx", "sldm", "thms", "pps". Text messages can contain, "txt", "text", "html", "log". Images messages can contain, "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "gif", "psd", "tif", "tiff". Media messages can contain, "mp3", "mp4", "m4a", "mpg", "mpeg", "avi", "wav", "aac", "wma", "mov". Zip messages can contain, "zip", "rar", "cab", "gz", "gzip", "7z". None messages will have no attachments and will not be present in the results.
attachmentTextSearches for text in the attachments.
bodySearches emails by text in the body. This will override the text and subject arguments.
pageSizeSets the number of results to return per page. The default is 25.
startRowSets the result to start returning results. The default is 0.
activeDefines if the search should query recently received messages that are not fully indexed yet. The default is false. Search can be done by mailbox and date time across active messages.


There are no outputs for this script.