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This Integration is part of the MongoDB Pack.#


Use MongoDB to search and query entries This integration was integrated and tested with version v4.2.3 of MongoDB

Configure MongoDB on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
  2. Search for MongoDB.
  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
    • Name: a textual name for the integration instance.
    • Username
    • Server URLs with port (,
    • Database
    • Trust any certificate (not secure)
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.

Fetched Incidents Data#


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

  1. mongodb-get-entry-by-id
  2. mongodb-query
  3. mongodb-insert
  4. mongodb-update
  5. mongodb-delete
  6. mongodb-list-collections
  7. mongodb-create-collection
  8. mongodb-drop-collection
  9. mongodb-pipeline-query

1. mongodb-get-entry-by-id#

Get an entry from database by ID

Required Permissions#

find permission.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
collectionName of the collection do get entry from.Required
object_idAn ObjectID to get.Required
Context Output#
MongoDB.Entry._idStringID of entry
MongoDB.Entry.collectionStringCollection name
Command Example#

!mongodb-get-entry-by-id collection=test object_id=5e444002d661d4fc62442f39

Context Example#
"MongoDB": [
"test": true,
"_id": "5e444002d661d4fc62442f39"
Human Readable Output#

Total of 0 found in MongoDB collection 'test': No entries.

2. mongodb-query#

Searches for items by using the specified JSON query. Search by regex is supported.

Required Permissions#

find permission.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
collectionName of the collection do query from.Required
queryA JSON query to search for in the collection, in the format of: {"key": "value"}. e.g {"_id": "mongodbid"}. Supports search by regex using the following query="{ "field": { "$regex": "search_option" } }". For example: query="{ "year": { "$regex": "2.*" } }" - will query all entries such that their "year" field contains the number 2, query="{ "color": { "$regex": "Re.*", "$options": "i" } }": case insensitive search - will query all entries at the collection, where their "color" field contains the string "Re".Required
sortSorting order for the query results. Use the format "field1:asc,field2:desc".Optional
Context Output#
MongoDB.Entry._idStringID of entry from query
MongoDB.Entry.collectionStringCollection name
Command Example#

!mongodb-query collection=test query=`{"test": true}

Context Example#
"MongoDB": [
"test": true,
"_id": "5e454023a14c0fb64ca2fd7f"
"test": true,
"_id": "5e454024a14c0fb64ca2fd80"
"test": true,
"_id": "5e454024a14c0fb64ca2fd81"
Human Readable Output#

Total of 2 found in MongoDB collection 'test' with query: {"test": true}: |_id| |---| | 5e454023a14c0fb64ca2fd7f | | 5e454024a14c0fb64ca2fd80 |

3. mongodb-insert#

Inserts an entry to the database

Required Permissions#

insert permission.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
collectionName of the collection to insert entry from.Required
entryEntry JSON formatted. can include _id argument or not.Required
Context Output#
MongoDB.Entry._idStringID of entry from query.
MongoDB.Entry.collectionStringCollection name
Command Example#

!mongodb-insert collection=testCollection entry=`{"test": true}`\

Context Example#
"MongoDB": [
"_id": "5e45403c7bc040c2a989007a"
Human Readable Output#

MongoDB: Successfully entered 1 entry to the 'testCollection' collection. |_id| |---| | 5e45403c7bc040c2a989007a |

4. mongodb-update#

Updates an entry in a collection

Required Permissions#

update permission.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
collectionName of the collection to update entry to.Required
filterA query that matches the document to update.Required
updateYou can use Update Operators or Aggregation Pipeline. Check documentation for further information.Required
update_oneUpdate only one entry. if true, will set all found entries.Optional
upsertUpdate entries in a collection that matches the query or create a new entry if no entires match the query. Default is false.Optional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!mongodb-update collection=test filter=`{"test": true}` update=`{"$set": {"test": false}}`

Human Readable Output#

MongoDB: Total of 1 entries has been modified.

If an entry was created and inserted using the upset argument:

MongoDB: A new entry was inserted to the collection.

5. mongodb-delete#

Deletes an entry from the database

Required Permissions#

remove permission.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
collectionName of the collection to delete entry from.Required
filterA query that matches the document to delete.Required
delete_oneDelete only one entry from the database.Optional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!mongodb-delete collection=test filter=`{"test": true}` delete_one=true

Human Readable Output#

MongoDB: Delete 1 entries.

6. mongodb-list-collections#

Lists all collections in database

Required Permissions#

find permission.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#
MongoDB.Collection.NameStringName of the collection
Command Example#


Context Example#
"MongoDB.Collection": [
"Name": "collectionToDelete"
"Name": "testCollection"
"Name": "test"
Human Readable Output#

MongoDB: All collections in database: |Collection| |---| | collectionToDelete | | testCollection | | test |

7. mongodb-create-collection#

Creates a collection

Required Permissions#

createCollection permission.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
collectionName of collection to create.Required
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!mongodb-create-collection collection=testCollection

Human Readable Output#

MongoDB: Collection 'testCollection' has been successfully created.

8. mongodb-drop-collection#

Drops a collection from the database

Required Permissions#

dropCollection permission or above.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
collectionName of collection to be droppedRequired
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!mongodb-drop-collection collection=collectionToDelete

Human Readable Output#

MongoDB: Collection 'collectionToDelete` has been dropped.

9. mongodb-pipeline-query#

Searches for items by the specified JSON pipleline query.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
collectionName of the collection to query.Required
pipelineA JSON pipeline query to search by in the collection. Pipeline query should by list of dictionaries. For example: [{"key1": "value1"}, {"key2": "value2"}].Required
limitLimits the number of results returned from MongoDB. Default is 50.Optional
offsetOffset to the first result returned from MongoDB. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#

MongoDB.Entry._idStringThe ID of entry from the query.
MongoDB.Entry.collectionStringThe collection of which the entry belongs to.

Command Example#

!mongodb-pipeline-query collection=test_collection pipeline="[{\"$match\": {\"title\": \"test_title\"}}]"

Context Example#

"MongoDB": {
"Entry": [
"_id": "602e624e8be6cb93eb795695",
"collection": "test_collection",
"color": "red",
"title": "test_title",
"year": "2019"
"_id": "602e62598be6cb93eb795697",
"collection": "test_collection",
"color": "green",
"title": "test_title",
"year": "2020"
"_id": "602e62698be6cb93eb795699",
"collection": "test_collection",
"color": "yellow",
"title": "test_title",
"year": "2018"

Human Readable Output#

Total of 3 entries were found in MongoDB collection test_collection with pipeline: [{"$match": {"title": "test_title"}}]: |_id| |---| | 602e624e8be6cb93eb795695 | | 602e62598be6cb93eb795697 | | 602e62698be6cb93eb795699 |

10. mongodb-bulk-update#

Bulk updates entries in a collection.

Required Permissions#

update permission.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
collectionThe name of the collection in which to update entries.Required
filterA comma-separated list of queries that match the documents to update, in the format: `[{"key1": "value1"},{"key2": "value2"}]`. This list must match the comma-separated list of the update argument by order and size.Required
updateA comma-separated list of content with which to update entries, in the format: `[{"$set": {"key1": "value1"}},{"$set": {"key2": "value2"}}]`. You can use Update Operators or Aggregation Pipeline. This list must match the comma-separated list of the filter argument by order and size.Required
update_oneWhether to update a single entry per query. If true, will set only the first found entry, If false, will set all found entries. This argument will effect all the provided queries. Default is true.Optional
upsertWill create a new entry if no entires match the provided queries (per query). This argument will effect all the provided queries. Default is false.Optional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!mongodb-update collection=test filter=`[{"Name": "dummy1"},{"$and": [{"value": 1, "another_value":0}]}]` update=`[{"$set": {"test": false}},{"$set": {"test": true}}]` upsert=true

Human Readable Output#

MongoDB: Total of 1 entries has been modified. MongoDB: Total of 1 entries has been inserted.

Additional Information#

  • a guide on how to use the filter and query argument can be found here
  • a guide on how to use the update argument can be found here

Known Limitations#

The test button is trying to list collections. If the user has no find permission it will fail.